Lifting magnets are basically a type of permanent magnet which generates a stronger magnetic field than the wonted magnet. This is because of the material that they are made of, which is rare-earth metals and alloys such as ferrite. They are usually used in industries to lift up heavy objects very conveniently. 

The working principle of lifting magnets is such that the magnet can be switched on and off. When the heavy object is attached to the magnet and reaches its final destination, one can easily switch off the magnet. It is as safe as it can get. Even If you switch the magnet off in the middle of the route there will be no harm caused as it does not immediately fall off owing to the applied tension.

Basically, a permanent lifting magnet has a block with the main body and rotator. When both the magnetic sources are in the same direction, the lifting magnet produces a magnetic flux which allows the ferromagnetic material to get attached to the magnet underneath its poles. Contrary to this, when two magnetic sources are in the opposite direction no flux is generated and none can escape from the lifting magnet as they absorb each other’s energy. Hence, the lifting magnet has no attraction to the load. A point to be noted is that the adhesion of the objects to the magnet should be very close and tight so that there is no air trapped in between. 

5 things should be in your consideration while choosing a magnet lifter:

  1. Different magnetic materials are used for different lifters. HE SOLUTIONS use prime quality permanent magnets to ensure the best and the safest output. Neodymium magnets are usually used in lifting magnets. These are rare-earth magnets, as mentioned earlier, and are capable of lifting stronger and heavier objects than the standards.
  2. Lift rating refers to the maximum amount of weight a lifter is designated to lift. You should choose the lifting magnet according to your feasibility. The lifting rate varies in a wide range from 200 to 13,000 pounds.
  3. Certain lifting magnets operate according to their control mechanism. You should be very well aware of the mechanism that needs to be turned on while choosing a lifting magnet.
  4. Lifting magnets work under their operating temperature. If the operating temperature is less than 75 degrees, the magnet will only work under 75 degrees.
  5. The material should be of supreme quality because everything depends upon the material. Manufacturers at HE SOLUTIONS use stainless steel as it is strong, sturdy, and durable. and they are naturally prevented from rust and corrosion thus eliminating friction.

Permanent lifting magnets have some advantages such as.

  • Permanent lifting magnets can be used as a magnetic source needless of an external power supply. Therefore they can be transported and used anywhere.
  • Permanent lifting magnets are made of magnet and steel parts only. They are enduring and durable with limited maintenance.
  • They are simply operated by hand. And are merely convenient to use.
  • HE SOLUTIONS provide these permanent lifting materials with a cost that is very easy on the pocketbook as compared with other types of lifting materials.

As long as the operator follows all the safety precautions, there are no safety issues. When lifting devices and operations are concerned, safety should be prioritized over everything. Here we mention some chief tips to ensure solid-gold safety while using a permanent lifting magnet. 

  • Referring to the manufacturer’s instruction list should be a must.
  • It should not be used to lift up people.
  • Never lift over people.
  • A load suspended with a lifting magnet should not be left unattended.
  • Trials should always be carried out to ensure the safe final delivery of the object.
  • The hold or attachment should be secure.
  • Make sure that the surface of the steel is able-bodied to prevent air gaps.
  • The operation should not continue when there are people in the area of movement.
  • Always magnetize a magnet when the load is attached to it.
  • Demagnetising a magnet should be prevented until and unless the object has been completely set down.
  • When round objects have connected the force of lifting reduces as full contact has not been made.
  • It should be inspected every 5 to 6 months to ensure safety precautions.
  • The threads should be in perfect condition and the eye-bolts should be tightened by turning it to its fullest so that it does not strip and the load does not fall down.
  • Long story short, HE SOLUTIONS believes only and only in customer satisfaction thus works its best to ensure prime quality products are being delivered to its customers at their earliest. 

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